This is a report out today on the statistics of cancer and some of it is down to bad luck!

But are they really telling you everything here, I suspect not! Read why it isn’t down to bad luck.



Is ANXIETY THE CAUSE OF CANCER? Here is my own personal reason for highlighting my blog to you about cancer as I have had many family and friends die of this condition.

I have been in practice with hypnotherapy since 2004 and within that time I have found one of the real reasons why people get cancer and it isn’t down to bad luck or poor lifestyle choices.

I am not going to go into the technical side of what cancer is, but to tell you that it is treatable and has been for a long time.

So what is the best prevention to helping yourself?

The main cause to getting cancer is the bad emotional stress that you live day in and day out. You become used to the bad emotions that you don’t notice it anymore. However your body does and this negative emotion of fear, anger, hate, sadness, being anxious, worried and so on has to live somewhere in your body. If the bad emotions are not dealt with, they can and do turn cancerous.

What to do?

You really need to see an Anxiety therapist like myself who can help you become relaxed and get rid of the negative emotions of Fear, Hurt, Guilt, Anxiousness, Depression and many others.

Prevention is preferred to the cure.

Prevention is preferred to the cure, as if you have to be cured that means that you have the cancer and as you know, like me we know many people who are dying. But the reality is that lots of people generally die from the treatment as opposed to the cancer itself.Cancer Medication

Book an appointment with me today at Anxiety Hypnosis, Contact Me and get your personal emotional baggage sorted out once and for all.


Life will give you as much bad emotional anxiety, fear, stress and anger that you are prepared to put up with. So isn’t it time to get help and start to feel better and feel in control, relaxed and confident?

Free Stuff

If you would like to have a Free Confidential Private Complimentary Consultation then please get in touch.

Also at Anxiety Hypnosis I will give you my 7-SOLUTIONS-TO-AXE-ANXIETY. Free to Download.

Plus you can get my 10 mins FREE Relaxing Audio Session with The Nexus Team: PERSONAL HYPNOTIC RELAXING TRANCE MP3 You can also order your very own personalised mp3 that I will create for you at only £9.97

And of course you can always contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me Page or 

Please note that I am an advanced clinical hypnotherapist and I specialise in Anxiety at Anxiety Hypnosis. I also help children over their own personal battles of anxiety.

Be warned.

Last but defiantly not least, remember to get your anxiety sorted out ASAP…

The Nexus Team from Anxiety Hypnosis works with clients on a 1-2-1 basis.

Helping you towards success.

I am her to help with either hypnotherapy of reiki and both are available in the Birmingham area  Walsall and/or Pelsall. So get yourself Confident and Stress Free!


The statement of this blog is down to my own personal opinion and years of experience in the field of clinical hypnotherapy and not medically proven.


Dogs always seem to be living in the present moment.

Be a dog for a day Anixety Hypnosis The Nexus TeamWhat I mean by this statement is that they are in the here and now… unlike people who are always worried about the future or tomorrow by being caught up in the never ending cycle of anxiety. Or the overriding guilt of the past and how it affects you in everyday life of making decisions. Do you ever see a dog like this?

Someone is visiting.

If you say to a person that you are having a visitor, the reply is when are they coming round and already you are thinking of the future. However if you tell a dog that his friend is coming to see him, he thinks that time is right now, but you probably meant for him to realise that this is in a couple of hours or so and not right now.

Dogs get excited at the thought of NOW and living in the NOW. Unlike you as you are living either in the past or future, which both of these thoughts carry guilt or anxiety.

Fabric of your happiness.

The fabric of your happiness can be so weak that it can be easily undone either by a thought or by someone else. You have to constantly patch your happiness up because of not living in this present moment.

My Tips To Help.

These tips are for fun, but can help.

#1 Think like a dog and live in the now as if every second is all you have.
#2 What would the human you chose to act like if your were a dog? …What would you think of?
#3 What would you have as your favourite toy? …And why?
#4 What would you think of your owner who is constantly worried etc…
#5 How would you tell the human you to act and behave?
#6 Now as a human start to play these thoughts out of what the dog told you.
#7 Live in this moment as this is all you can do and you can be free of Guilt and/or Anxiety.
#8 Remember to find happiness in the smallest and intensification of things. This will help patch up the fabric of your happiness.

Help is here.

If you what a private individual session to help you feel less stressed, with less anxiety also leaving you with the ability to feel more confident in everyday situations, then I can help you!

Imagine a life free of all the ties of anxiety, fears, worry with that constant feeling of dread as all gone…

Anxiety Hypnosis with me The Nexus Team will help you to take back control of your emotions and set yourself free.

Be confident, happier, relaxed with more motivation. You can have this if you truly value yourself. Start today by contacting me for a FREE Complimentary Consultation.

Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me to start your therapy today.

Here is my FREE Anxiety Hypnosis 10 mins relaxing session for you to listen to right here form my Free Stuff Page.

I will also personalise an MP3 for you concerning any Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Worry, Depression. OR why not just have an MP3 designed to help you with CONFIDENCE, MOTIVATION, RELAXATION or anything you feel you need help with. 

How to order your personal MP3.

Click the link here: Anxiety Hypnosis Personal hypnotic Trace MP3 and I’ll do all the rest for you and all for only £9.97

So if you live in the Birmingham area or near to Pelsall  or Walsall, you can have a 1-2-1 private therapy session with me an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis: Helping you towards success.

ps I can also help  you get over the fear of dogs.

A report out today states that 25 to 34 year old’s get more stressed over Christmas time than other age groups over the festive period.

So what to do about it?

#1 Tell yourself to stay calm.
#2 Take deep breathes.
#3 Whether you’re out or at home, STOP for a moment and take a drink of water.
#4 Eat protein as this helps your brain function better.
#5 Think! Is your stress really real or are you making yourself feel stressed?
#6 Just enjoy the moment of now, kids don’t get stressed and you are the product of a child.
#7 Start to feel the excitement of Christmas and the joy it can bring you.

Just Relax…

Christmas can be a stressful time of the year for anyone, but to realise that you can relax no matter where you are or what you are doing is a bonus.

My Free Stuff.

If you want to take 10 mins out of your day and relax by listening to me for FREE you can right here on my FREE STUFF PAGE.

If you think that you would benefit from me making you a personalised MP3 you can also order it here. From Anxiety Hypnosis Personal Hypnotic Trance. 

You may like to try a REIKI therapy session to help deepen your relaxation and this is available in Walsall or Pelsall which is in the Birmingham area. At Anxiety Hypnosis Jididen Reiki.

You can contact me to find out more at Anxiety Hypnosis -Contact me:

Use my tips to help you relax and stay calm.Solution_wheel_shutterstock_179663408

One more extra tip for free.

#8 Write down what how to plan your day out and stick to it!
The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis helping you towards success.


Having a journal has to be one of the best ways of helping you beat anxiety.

Here are some of my top tips in writing your anxiety journal.

#1 Get a note book to write on or use your computer or mobile.

#2 Write down what makes you feel the most anxious.

#3 Practice a strategy that will help reduce your anxiety feelings.

#4 Write how your day progressed throughout and add a value to your feelings. i.e. was this a 6/10 negative feeling.

#5 Write down what made you feel calmer.

#6 Write how long it took you to bring down any negative feelings of anxiousness.

#7 Start to compare what’s working for you to bring down your anxiety level.

#8 Start to put a plan of action into place that will work for you.

#9 Write down how well your new calming techniques are working for you.

#10 Write down what didn’t work so well.

#11 Always finish your journal articles off with a positive contribution that will help you cope better the next day.

Put these into practice and remember that you have never died from any anxiety problems and you have always come through the other side.  Have this as you own personal Health and Safety Manual.

Good luck.

One more thing is to get an old newspaper and a black pen and write on the paper all your anxiety problems. Once you have written them down, don’t read what you have written on the newspaper, now destroy the newspaper, do this as often as it takes to get rid of all your pent up anxiety.

If you would like to see me to help with anxiety you can contact me here.

Or you can download my Free 7Tips Solutions E-guide to help Axe-Anxiety. 

You can also listen to a 10 mins taster session of relaxation.

I can give you a Free Complimentary Consultation to see how I can best help you with your anxiety problems.

I work in Walsall and Pelsall within the Birmingham area. if this is convenient for you to have a 1-2-1 session of Anxiety Hypnosis to help you.

The Nexus Team is Helping you towards success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Welcoming Kids to Drink Alcohol.

Let you kids drink.

Letting your child drink alcohol isn’t a bad thing. If you let kids drink at a young age, the chances are that they will have the knowledge that drinking is okay. Also that alcohol has never been off limits and so it doesn’t hold so much attraction compared to someone who has never drank.

I’m 18 now and you can’t stop me…

I’m sure as parents we have all heard this from an 18 year old and it’s true in their eyes. (But not in ours).

So today is the day they are 18 and off to the pub, probably like you. How do you think now that they are being allowed into the pub or club, they going to act?


Be mindful of allowing your kids to drink and dispel the myths and attraction of alcohol. Remember anything off limits holds our interest with fascination, as this leads to a deep desire to try something we are not allowed. …’The forbidden fruit’ so to speak. And that happened at the beginning of time and we are still acting the same way.

So everything in moderation and let your child enjoy themselves, this will lead to a more respectful and well rounded individual and you know that you have took away that interest of alcohol. Also you have possibly saved their life by not having to wait to be in their 30’s to realise that they don’t need to binge drink.

What to do next.

If you have a drink problem that needs attention and feel that Anxiety Hypnosis could help you and you are in the Birmingham area. Then I practice from Walsall & Pelsall. Contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.