
Sliding Scale of Depression.
Feeling depressed can just be the start of how bad things can get for you if you continue on the slippery slope of depression. To begin with, you just feel down, but it doesn’t stop there as this is a sliding scale and in a few days time, if you haven’t done anything to change your mind, it can get worse, with no light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

Your Mood.

Your mood changes from jolly, happy, outgoing, confident and so on. You feel the weight of the world getting heavier and heavier on your shoulders and your posture begins to be bent over as you walk looking at the ground as if you are walking through treacle.


Mind & Body.

Your mind is easily affected by the way you hold yourself. Even a child knows this. Say to a 6-year-old, walk like an old person, they will walk slow and bent over (the typical archetype old persons posture). As an adult or (grown up) you do the same by walking and copying someone who has depression – there is no real difference. The only thing is that you are just adding more feelings to this as a method character actor would do.

How To Change.

Remember that you are in control and so you have to create a posture that looks, acts and shows others what they are feeling. This is done by walking holding your head up high, wearing a smile because you are never fully dressed until you wear one. Breathe deeper also start to pay attention to your surroundings. A dog does this with ease, sniffing at every lampost. No, I don’t suggest you do that, but just be present by paying attention.

7 Tips and Tricks To Use.

# 1 Count 5 things you can smell.
# 2 Count 5 things you can hear.
# 3 Count 5 different colours you can see.
# 4 Notice 5 things you can feel.
# 5 Remember to breath deeply.
# 6 Shoulders back, chin up and chest out.
# 7 Start to acknowledge nature.
Bonus tip Show gratitude for everything.

Everything Will Pass.

Remember that everything comes to pass and it is up to you how you want to feel each day and not the responsibility of anyone else. This is your life and you have to live it and sometimes unpleasant feelings are a part of that. You have the choice to stay there and take medication or you can start to rise above your negative feelings.

At Nexus Hypnotherapy.

At Nexus Hypnotherapy Walsall we help you with your depression and you will be amazed just how quickly you can change when we help you put your mind to it. but of course, depression is a sliding scale and where you are on that will determine how quickly you can start to feel better. But until you try us, you may never know. But if you are looking for help and wish to try Nexus Hypnotherapy for yourself, then please feel free to contact us today. Also please read our previous blogs on other issues we have covered. See what our clients had to say.

We also help with…

Relationship Issues.
Children Problems.
Quit Smoking,
Public Speaking.
Phobias (Dentist, Spiders, Needles etc…)

Feel free to check our website for your specific issue, or why not call to see if we can help you.