Axe The Fat With Anxiety Hypnosis Weight Loss…

The Neverending Diet 

So how long has your diet been going for? Most people are always on diets, if they’re not dieting, then they have usually given up and are stuffing their faces again.

Your Easy Access To Fat.

In our modern society it is so easy to tank on the weight without trying too hard, with the high, rich, saturated, and over salted foods and drinks. All of which are easily accessible, without trying too hard to gorge on your favourite bad foods. The processed food that we eat today is of high calorific value but is not designed to feed us. This means that we are mostly malnourished, we only ever feed the fat part of us and this is totally unhealthy.

  • Emotional eating.
  • Binge eating.
  • Over eating.
  • Not recognising when you’re full.
  • Eating through boredom.
  • Eating because you are in a rut.
  • Giving up too early on a diet.
  • Lack of focus to complete your diet.
  • Diets don’t work.
  • Lack of respect & value for who you are.
  • Weak willed & so you eat because you were offered food.
  • Not being able to say no to food!

Of course there are your own reasons for over eating as the list could go on…

Anxiety Hypnosis Getting You Slim.

How would it feel to not have to be on a diet any longer, to be free from the food that has been keeping you fat all these years.

But of course our children suffer from obesity too, also the bullying that seems to accompany the bigger child and the adult that can lead to us eating more. It is a recipe for self destruction with a life time of misery. You and your child deserve a better relationship with the food you eat.

The Antidote Too Being Fat.

I work on a balance, this is to say that it would be impractical to not have some fattening foods or what you may call unhealthy foods, but rather this being the case, it is equally important to eat the rights foods for you.
I think it would be a boring life if we didn’t take some self-indulgence now and again.
Depending on your weight problem, it is important to your long term health to be slimmer as blood sugar, breathing difficulties, joint pains, muscle wastage, feeling tired and having no energy are problems that you may encounter.

How well could you feel in just a few short weeks, to set yourself free from all the negative health implications. By being slimmer, healthier and more active…

If you are looking for a practical solution to your health and weight problem, I will design and personalise your therapy to suit your particular need. I will help maximum the healthy weight that you can lose.

Try Our Fit Programme?

  • I also offer a programme that you can use to get the best results out of your body with:
  • Nutritional Shakes.
  • Food Supplements.
  • Hypnosis Therapy.
  • Exercise Programmes.
  • You Also Receive Email Support.

Getting fit in Walsall couldn’t be easier – lets make Walsall a slimmer place also we are close to Birmingham and the surrounding areas. You can get the whole family involved with the total support of helping you to lose weight. You will also be able to get the whole family feeling much fitter. Contact us today to know more.

Feel free to book your complimentary consultation so you can start losing your weight today.

11 tips to help you lose weight.

A personal journal could help you lose weight

Note: Any health regime that you wish to embark on to lose weight or our exercise programme must be approved by your doctor.

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The Nexus Team.