


Depression is so rife in young men that they are killing themselves as this epidemic continues to spread.
The following are all symptoms of depression, and if you tick off five or more of any of them you are probably depressed.

My feelings

I am low-spirited for much of the time, every dayAnxiety, Depression, The Nexus Team Birmingham & Walsall
I feel restless and agitated
I get tearful easily
I feel numb, empty and full of despair
I feel isolated and unable to relate to other people
I am unusually irritable or impatient
I find no pleasure in life or things I usually enjoy
I feel helpless
I have lost interest in sex
I am experiencing a sense of unreality

My behaviour

I’m not doing activities I usually enjoy
I am avoiding social events I usually enjoy
I have cut myself off from others and can’t ask for help
I am self-harming
I find it difficult to speak

My thoughts

I am having difficulty remembering things
I find it hard to concentrate or make decisions
I blame myself a lot and feel guilty about things
I have no self-confidence or self-esteem
I am having a lot of negative thoughts
The future seems bleak
What’s the point?
I have been thinking about suicide

My physical symptoms

I have difficulty sleeping
I am sleeping much more than usual
I feel tired and have no energy
I have lost my appetite, and am losing weight
I am eating a lot more than usual and putting on weight
I have physical aches and pains with no obvious physical cause
I am moving very slowly
I am using more tobacco, alcohol or other drugs than usual

Depression presents itself in many different ways. You may not realise what’s going on, because sometimes your problems seem to be physical, rather than mental or emotional. There are also some other mental health problems often linked to depression.


People who are depressed often have anxiety as well – the two problems often occur together, and each can make the other worse. If you are feeling anxious, your mind may be full of busy, repetitive thoughts, which make it hard to concentrate, relax, or sleep. You may have physical symptoms, such as headaches, aching muscles, sweating and dizziness.

Source from


As depression is not discriminant, then anyone can be a long term suffer. However young men ought to be living a life that is precious and not having thoughts of killing themselves.
One of the big problems is that this can also be about pride, also attitude towards depression, this could be about denial.

When young men are in the state of being fit and healthy as well as wanting to be an alpha male, but are now faced with this internal bad feeling of depression, it can send the mind into a turmoil of utter confusion and this makes them hide the problem even more so. Men are also well known for not talking about their problems and so to talk to anyone can feel like a weakness.

Anxiety Hypnosis.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis has helped many people with depression this also includes young men who have suffered for years.
It is important for young men with depression and anxiety to contact a therapist who deals with their problems. To have a free consultation to express their feelings and to feel comfortable with the therapist and find out if they will feel any better with hypnotherapy. Also this is a private and confidential service, so whether this is in Birmingham or Walsall or you chose a therapist who is local to you to get the help you require. After all, suicide is a long term solution for a short term problem.


So guys this is your real test in how to man-up and grow some balls and do something about your problem. This will not just effect you, but will go through the whole of the family. Close family members will feel what you are going through and it will be as bad for them as for you. Suicide is not an option because of the devastation to the family and friends who are left behind as this could include your own young child.
So think on guys and get some help today because this won’t get better and just go away on its own.


Start to talk to someone who you feel you can trust, this will give you confidence to seek professional help, whether this is your doctor, counsellor, Hypnotherapist, mom, dad, or even your mate down the pub.

Contact me today at Anxiety Hypnosis you get your free complimentary consultation.

Helping you towards success.