Naughty kids suffer anxiety from bad parenting in Walsall.


Kid’s Fears & Anxiety.Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team

The Power Of Consciousness.

The power of consciousness or the idea that you can create conscious thoughts to change the world around you would seem impossible. However, we do have the power of consciousness that can influence matter.

Mouldy Rice.

I’ve conducted an experiment, I have cooked rice then transferred this into two clean jam jars. One has HATE and the other has LOVE written on it. After shouting at the hate jar once and then telling the loved one how special it was every day. After a few weeks the one with love on it stayed fresher. The one with Hate on it went mouldy. If this can happen to cooked rice, then what about how we can talk negatively to a child. What impact does this create in a child’s mind ?

Mind Your P’s & Q’s

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is well aware that the power of words can consciously influence people. Young children are not born with a filter that will stop negative thoughts entering their little minds. This is because they need to download information in their formative young years. So if a child breaks something by accident, negative parents will scold that child and say how stupid, idiot, useless or naughty they are etc…

Bad Behaved Child.

What a surprise that you end up with a child who can have tantrums, be naughty or be unruly. Later these kids either grow up to develop anorexia, behavioural problems at school, Introvert, and may even be a bully or an abuser in later life.

Anxiety Hypnosis Answer.

Children have to be shown and taught by example because you will effect their consciousness because of how you speak to your child. You have the power right now to change that today with positive words and statements. Never treat your child to junk food as a treat and don’t pay them for doing jobs around the house. But treat them to a good quality meal as a celebration of what they mean to you and the family as a whole. If you want to pay them for a job, give them money for reading books and achieving goals. Imagine the mindset of a child brought up like this.

Help Information Centre.


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The Nexus Team.