Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Have you been diagnosed with OCD?

Do you have the OCD behaviour or traits of OCD controlling your life?

OCD Behaviour.

Below are just some of the symptoms that obsessive compulsive disorder people go through on a daily basis

  • This can be constantly washing of hands even though they are not dirty.
  • Making sure the lights are switched off and thinking they are on when you turn your back.
  • Feel that there are germs on everything.
  • Making sure personal items are in their rightful place with labels all facing the correct way, etc.
  • Over obsessing with order and how things should be.
  • Constantly cleaning over and over and bleaching everything in sight.

Your Family & You.

You can see how this cannot only affect you but also your family. You may now have come to the point in your life that you realise that this has to stop because of how this negative OCD behaviour is ruining your life.

There are two ways that you can recognise what to do and decide on how to change.  You may be aware that you are executing these behaviours that you didn’t before,  a work colleague, friend or family member may have pointed this out to you. You have chosen to do something about it and nip this in the bud so to speak.

On the other hand you may have had this behaviour for many years, and now you realise that you have to stop. This can be   detrimental to your life by knowing that you are totally exhausted.

Taking Action.

If you want help with this situation and want to start living a normal life again without the constraints of OCD dictating to you, then I can help you to feel that you have the possibility to live a normal life again.
Imagine how your day would be without the obsessive compulsive disorder. In other words for you to be in control of you for once. This can be very liberating to say the least and don’t you deserve to experience this emotion of joy.
If you would like to take the next step by booking your free complimentary consultation with The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis + Reiki Healing, then feel free to call me on the number below.

The Bad Thoughts Of OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 2nd Part
Having constant obsessive negative thoughts in your head is the other ugly part of OCD.

We all have an internal voice that speaks to us as this initiates thoughts of judgement, as to decide whether it’s Good or Bad, Better or Worse, Right or Wrong. Then we can act out the thinking as an example.

OCD negative thoughts can be:

  • Having suicidal thoughts.
  • Thinking you have aids or a fatal disease.
  • Want to kill or hurt someone.
  • Believing your a paedophile even though you’re not!

These are just a few as the list could go on.

Don’t Act Out Bad Thoughts.

It should go without saying that you shouldn’t act out negative thoughts, because to do that you are in some way making your thoughts real.

Treating OCD With Hypnosis.

It can be somewhat harder to treat an OCD person with the negative thoughts, but I have found that the client generally requires more sessions. This allows the client to begin the new process of letting go of the negative OCD.
In my opinion a client is best served and improves once they start to have help from me. This is because they may be on antidepressants, or experiencing panic attracts or high levels of anxiety. Battling against the intrusive thoughts, they also try to hide this and when the family know about this, they have a stigma attached to their problem.
Seeking therapy is of help because you cannot always tell your family everything that is going on in your mind and they may judge you and then give you the wrong advice.

The Nexus Team.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is based in Walsall and is in easy reach of Birmingham and the surrounding areas. He also offers treatment of Jikiden Reiki which is also helpful to clear a confused busy mind.

Taking The Next Step.

So here is what to do next if you want to start to feel normal and have positive thoughts once more.
I will access your individual concerns that you present to me when you book your free complimentary consultation. I will tailor the therapy to suit your needs that will address the OCD.

As we work together to abolish the intrusive negative thoughts,  you can be assured that you will be dealing with a professional person who is an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist.

This will allow you to know that you are in safe hands and that I will work closely with you for you to get the outcome that you deserve.

Also knowing that you have a bright future ahead of you, by being open and honest and that there is no problem that cannot be resolved so long as the truth doesn’t remain hidden.

Here Are My Contacts Details For You To Contact Me Today.


Work: 01922 285 118

mobile: 0793 99 053 88

Or click here to open my contact form.

All my clients are treated in the strictest confidence.

Helping you towards success…