

Sliding Scale of Depression.
Feeling depressed can just be the start of how bad things can get for you if you continue on the slippery slope of depression. To begin with, you just feel down, but it doesn’t stop there as this is a sliding scale and in a few days time, if you haven’t done anything to change your mind, it can get worse, with no light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

Your Mood.

Your mood changes from jolly, happy, outgoing, confident and so on. You feel the weight of the world getting heavier and heavier on your shoulders and your posture begins to be bent over as you walk looking at the ground as if you are walking through treacle.


Mind & Body.

Your mind is easily affected by the way you hold yourself. Even a child knows this. Say to a 6-year-old, walk like an old person, they will walk slow and bent over (the typical archetype old persons posture). As an adult or (grown up) you do the same by walking and copying someone who has depression – there is no real difference. The only thing is that you are just adding more feelings to this as a method character actor would do.

How To Change.

Remember that you are in control and so you have to create a posture that looks, acts and shows others what they are feeling. This is done by walking holding your head up high, wearing a smile because you are never fully dressed until you wear one. Breathe deeper also start to pay attention to your surroundings. A dog does this with ease, sniffing at every lampost. No, I don’t suggest you do that, but just be present by paying attention.

7 Tips and Tricks To Use.

# 1 Count 5 things you can smell.
# 2 Count 5 things you can hear.
# 3 Count 5 different colours you can see.
# 4 Notice 5 things you can feel.
# 5 Remember to breath deeply.
# 6 Shoulders back, chin up and chest out.
# 7 Start to acknowledge nature.
Bonus tip Show gratitude for everything.

Everything Will Pass.

Remember that everything comes to pass and it is up to you how you want to feel each day and not the responsibility of anyone else. This is your life and you have to live it and sometimes unpleasant feelings are a part of that. You have the choice to stay there and take medication or you can start to rise above your negative feelings.

At Nexus Hypnotherapy.

At Nexus Hypnotherapy Walsall we help you with your depression and you will be amazed just how quickly you can change when we help you put your mind to it. but of course, depression is a sliding scale and where you are on that will determine how quickly you can start to feel better. But until you try us, you may never know. But if you are looking for help and wish to try Nexus Hypnotherapy for yourself, then please feel free to contact us today. Also please read our previous blogs on other issues we have covered. See what our clients had to say.

We also help with…

Relationship Issues.
Children Problems.
Quit Smoking,
Public Speaking.
Phobias (Dentist, Spiders, Needles etc…)

Feel free to check our website for your specific issue, or why not call to see if we can help you.

Confidence, Confidence, Confidence & More Confidence…


How Confident Are You?

Confidence has to be one of those emotions that we find hard to have or at least hold onto when others try to knock our confidence. See how parents take your confidence away as they tell you how cocky you are in your puberty years, they say ‘you’re getting too big for your boots’ as well as many other sayings. Rather than saying that they should help you temper and channel your confidence. People are too eager to take other people’s confidence away from them.

Here’s Some Good News With Confidence.

You cannot take anyone’s confidence away from them, but you can surrender it. You are born with confidence which is a natural inheritable state of life. Have you noticed other’s dictate how they have no confidence, but they are very confident in telling you that they have little or no confidence?

Back Burner.

Confidence can sit on the back burner so to speak as you use other coping methods that help you avoid situations and so you stop using your born right to be confident. Other emotions have masked your confidence so much that you believe that you don’t have any and this is not true. All therapist’s do is convince you to remove your old coping mechanisms and to build on positive past experiences and cement those seeds to use your new found confidence in your future.

Power Pose.

Standing in front of a full-length mirror for 2 mins every day in a power stance will boost your confidence. I find it strange that overweight people feel they have no confidence until they lose their weight, I guess they think all thin people have confidence and that is clearly not true. Confidence is in your control and how you choose to act confidently or not.

7 Tips On Being Confident.

#1 Use your power pose to emit your confidence to others. Do 2 mins practice every day or more if possible.

#2 Wear clothes that have a powerful effect on you. Dress powerfully, but act relaxed. Remember the duck, on the surface of the water he is calm, but below, he paddles like mad.

#3 Start to reinforce your confidence with posture, relaxation and positive mental thinking.

#4 Take control back because you are in control and all it takes is practice. Look at life, how to master anything competently, you have to practice, as do footballers. musicians, actors to name a few. You are in control.

#5 Help bring out confidence in others, this will help you to feel more confident with how you act. It’s self-help and free.

#6 If you know someone who has the confidence you admire, this could be an actor or a family member, then notice how they act and here’s the easy bit, copy them on how they stand or notice how nothing phases them.

#7 Confidence comes from your breath and so use your breath. Singers have breath control. People lacking confidence will speak in a scared way, timid and nervous. Confident people as you will know will speak with a more commanding voice. Your confidence lies in your breath because no one has the power to take your confidence. YOU are in control.

Help Is Here.

If you feel you require that professional help to boost your confidence particularly for a special occasion. This could be a job interview, speaking to a group of people, for your own self-development or you just want to get rid of the negativity that has stopped you feeling confident, then you may just want to visit me to see how I can help you either in London or in Walsall in the Midlands. You can Contact me here. Not using your confidence can make you feel frustrated, angry and even depressed as you breed self-doubt by your inhibitions crate anxiety.

Are You Really Depressed?

Are you really depressed and if so how do you know? Depression is set on a sliding scale, from first feeling a bit down or melancholy then all the way up to suicide. Suicide is the most extreme which is definitely not healthy. But of course how bad do you have to feel to do something about your depression. Why not get yourself help when you are just feeling a bit low rather than waiting until it is so bad that you have to be on prescription drugs to help you.

Are You A Victim Of Medication Side Effects.

 Drugs can only do so much, there is new evidence to suggest that they don’t work on your brain chemistry as was first thought. Could this be a placebo effect? You will also notice that some prescription drugs don’t suit everyone and you may feel you need to find one that suits you. Make sure that the medication is not causing you any undue stress, such as Anxiety. etc… It’s always better to be sure what’s going on. The same way you would check for ingredients in food.

Nature Is The Best Healer.

But what about intervention on self-help before your depression is too bad. Nature is the best healer, also medicine that is very easy to administer. If you’re in a deep depression it may take time to heal, but what about if you recognised the sad feelings and you went into nature for your healing.
Gardening, walking in the country, visiting the seaside, strolling on the beach, sitting by water or a babbling brook, listening to bird calls, cycling, running, hugging trees, climbing, volunteering in parkland or wildlife trusts all these can help heal you. Even take a journey with your mind as you can transport yourself to anywhere, that can offer you the chance to have a break.

Depression takes a lot of negative energy to sustain the negative feeling. No one is suggesting that you can never feel low because sad things happen to us all or all around us. It’s a normal feeling to experience – the main point is that when you are feeling low and becoming more depressed is not to stay there, see it as more of a visit. Depressed is really telling you to have a deep-rest! How often do you get a deep-rest, such as a good sleep at night…

Everything Comes To Pass.

Take stock of your mental health and thinking in a positive way, no matter how difficult things become because everything comes to pass, Even the wildest seas will become still if left alone, as muddy waters will eventually come clear.

7 Easy & Useful Tips.

#1 My tip is to notice your first signs of low feelings that you can instantly do something about it.

#2 Remember no one knows you better than you, so you are the first person that can start the process of helping yourself.

#3 Only visit your low feeling if you have to, but just don’t stay there, because this is what other people do who are on lots of medication for the never-ending cycle of their depression.

#4 Look up at the sky and find the many shapes and patterns in the clouds (of course only when safe to do so).

#5 Start to like yourself once more as most people hate themselves. You do have love inside you or you wouldn’t be able to love anything, such as puppies, kittens, food, music, reading and so on. Now start to include you in this love.

#6 Depression is a mental way of making you feel heavy, this can make you walk slow and hunched over. Stand tall, also move faster as well as feeling the ground beneath your feet when you walk.

#7 Think if your diet, medication or even people around you are causing you to feel depressed. Remember that you can always do something to help improve your life.

#8 Bonus tip. Stop acting depressed, this means any actor that plays a convincing performance, you can do the same in your life. Start acting today on how you want to be seen and the feelings will follow. It may not always be easy, but give it ago-you maybe suprised…

Help Is Here-All You Have To Do Is Ask…

If you feel that you have got to a point of in need of help, or you are ready to take action by being responsible for how your now want to feel and would like my help either in London or Walsall, then please Contact Me

Anxiety Hypnosis Offering Tips To Depressed People Of Walsall.

7 Practical Tips To Avoid Depression.

  • # 1 Have a go at exercise as this helps create the release of endorphins into your blood stream and helps change your mood. This doesn’t mean spending hours at a gym, but any form of positive exercise. This can include walking, swimming, badminton, bowls to the harder activities of running or pumping iron or boxing…
  • # 2 One of the most effective ways to recover from depression is to do gardening. Everything is energy and so when you are gardening you interact with nature, such as messing in the soil or grass cutting, planting or pruning. This helps discharge the negative emotion you have been holding onto.
  • # 3 Body posture is key to changing your physical structure and this will help you to create a positive feeling within you. Rather than walking around with your head down – have ago at counting chimney pots or notice the shapes of clouds or when possible try star gazing. The very act of holding your head up will make you feel positive and it is hard to feel depressed when you are looking up.
  • # 4 Try not to let your environment dictate how you should feel with depression, This could be either with work or a poor relationship. Start to look for the good in your world and once a week have an appreciation day by telling someone 3 things that you like or admire about them. This is one to do and help reinforce the positive statements to you and others .
  • # 5 Don’t get caught up in negative news media or TV soaps as they fill you with dread and despair. Start to watch light hearted fun stuff if you have to watch TV. Read positive motivational books or via YouTube and start to download positivity into your world. This will help to reprogramme your thinking.
  • # 6 Start to write a positive journal of your experiences of staying positive and how you quickly over came the negative days and the strategies that worked best for you. Personal journals can work really well as you can map your progress of being more positive each day.
  • # 7 This is important, check that you are not drinking too much alcohol as alcohol is a poison. Realise that to begin with alcohol is a stimulate when only taking a small amount you can feel good. But the more you take then it has the opposite affect and alcohol acts as a depressant and so this becomes a cycle of negative fulfilling prophecy. So drink in moderation but never to excess.anxiety-hypnosis-3-mobile

Try Everyday.

These few simple tasks can easily be done everyday. Hopefully after 3 weeks you will start to notice how positive you feel.

Of course, no amount of reading about cures on the internet etc will help as much as seeing The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis. There is no substitute for 1-2-1 therapy. You are an individual and such, I access your particular problem, I then tailor a programme of hypnotherapy that will get you the desired results.

Helpful Links For You To Access.

See what else The Nexus Team can do for you at what we offer at anxiety hypnosis in Walsall.

Here are some of my past clients reviews on anxiety hypnosis of what people had to say.

Get my Free Download to my 7 solutions to axe anxiety.

Do you have a fear of flying? – then please check out my Flying Fabulously MP3 guide with ebook and blueprint.

Check out my previous blog on anxiety hypnosis ‘depressed young men killing themselves‘…

My Contacts:

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Helping you toward success.

The Nexus Team.