
Anxiety Hypnosis Giving You 7 Great Tips To Boost Your Confidence.

Ground Rules.

Here are a few ground rules to begin with, when boosting your confidence. If you apply my 7 great tips to boost your confidence you will start to be perceived as a confident individual that is self assured with a purpose and has a direction in life.

Everyone is born with confidence, but as we grow up it can be difficult to handle. It can be perceived by others that you are cocky or arrogant or having a chip on your shoulder, and most people want to knock that chip off your shoulder.

Losing Your Confidence.

As you grow up, you let people chip away at your confidence little by little or in some cases all at once. This can happen with people you class as friends, or in a relationship, or parents, teachers and so on.

How does this happen?

You allow this to happen by agreeing with them whenever you are criticised in some way. You start to question your own confidence and if more than one person picks up on the same fault (that you think you have) then you will agree with them that you are lacking confidence.

Confidence_level_shutterstock_1404190127 Great Tips To Boost Your Confidence

#1 Spot the signs of those around you who criticise your abilities and your confidence.

#2 Ditch those that make you feel insecure or better still question their true values towards you.

#3 Start to act confidently. Have a body posture that looks confident. (Pretend and fake it if you have to).

#4 Have a strong loud voice that is clear as the voice will make you become confident.

#5 Do little things to bring back a strong level of confidence. i.e. Asking a shop assistant for help etc…

#6 Don’t put yourself down just because others have done this to you. Start to believe in yourself.

#7 Stand in front of a mirror, then strike a CONFIDENT posture and do this for 2 mins twice a day.


That you are the one that can control the amount of confidence you have, you can have as much confidence to do whatever you want with your confidence.

It is your given right to have confidence and you are allowed to show your confidence everyday. We are allowed to have many confident moments in our life. So start showing confidence to others and people who like you will respect your confidence.
Alcohol & Confidence.

Drinking to excess to feel confident will never really work and will only mask your own ability to prove once and for all that you are confident. So lay off the alcohol for the dutch courage. Start to build some self belief.

Getting Professional Help.

Some of you will require professional help to get you over the mental stumbling block of lacking confidence. At Anxiety Hypnosis I have helped many people and children to have more confidence than they thought was possible and I know you are just like them. I believe in you more than you do, I know you can show your confidence if you really want it.

If you are fed up with the restraints that the lack of confidence brings you and you know that you would benefit with my help, I will only be too happy to help you get your confidence back.

The Nexus Team will show you how to be confident as there are 1000’s upon 1000’s of people who lack confidence.

Remember that you can only hide the lack of confidence for so long because one day you will have to have confidence to do something and you will soon realise that you don’t have any.

This could be with relationships, an interview with work, promotions, meeting new people or social anxiety as this requires CONFIDENCE to overcome social fears and dreads etc…

Get your free complimentary consultation by booking here today at anxiety hypnosis contact me.

You can also get some more great tips on anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety. So you can have 14 tip to help you right now.

If you would like a private 1-2-1 session with me and you are in the Birmingham area a of either Pelsall or Walsall, then I can help you.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is Helping You Towards Success.



So you have social anxiety – what can you do about it…

What is social anxiety?

light bulb & peopleWhen we think of social anxiety, we often think about different social situations that make us feel shy, self-conscious or uncomfortable. The most common example of this is the feeling of being “out of place” or “awkward” at a party or family gathering. However, there is a big difference between feeling awkward at a party and having a deep rooted feeling of despair, anxiety or panic when in the company of other people.

Not many people enjoy receiving criticism, judgement or even a compliment from others, but for some, the fear of receiving such judgements can lead to paranoia, extreme discomfort and panic attacks. In some cases, individuals have had to leave their jobs, school or colleges in order to deal with their social anxiety and in extreme cases, even limit their time out in public for fear of an anxiety panic attack!

If you have reached a level where you think that social anxiety is affecting your life, then the time to act is now! With The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis. Download my free Axe-Anxiety

Common Symptoms…

There are many symptoms of social anxiety and as with every other phobia, they vary in severity depending on the level of anxiety you are feeling.

When a sufferer of social anxiety finds themselves in a social situation that they are not comfortable in, they often experience the following:

Heavy sweating and/or blushing
Shaking of the limbs
Nervous stuttering or stammering during conversation
Drying of the mouth
Shortness of breath
Weakness of the body
Sufferers also try to avoid any form of eye contact and make it difficult for themselves to be noticed or approached. For social anxiety sufferers, speaking in public is an almost impossible task.

What can I do to overcome, managing my social anxiety?

For the most part, social anxiety normally has a root cause. This is often a deep lying sub-conscious condition such as a previous embarrassment or traumatic life event which may have shattered your confidence, broken your trust or completely cooled your interest in the people, or in the world around you. Anxiety Hypnosis has been proven to be extremely successful in the area of overcoming social fears and allows you to analyse and understand your sub-conscious thought patterns, leading you to fully overcome any issues you may have, not just cover them up.

Anxiety Hypnosis can also restore your self-confidence and boost your self-esteem to new levels, as well as preparing you for public speaking or appearances. You may not think this would apply to you, but I can assure you at sometime in the future you will have to do some public speaking. This could be thanking people at a wedding, christening, birthday, anniversary or any other social event you can think of. So think of receiving Anxiety Hypnosis as an investment in not only now but also your future as this is a very important step to take right now.

You have probably suffered from social anxiety for many years and have tried avoidance, hiding, using excuses, but none of them have really worked for you. Take action today with using my professional services.

What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from anxiety, panic attacks or are experiencing any of the symptoms above whilst in a social setting, you may be suffering from some form of social anxiety issue. If you find that these issues are affecting your work, studies or everyday lifestyle, then contact me at The Nexus Team Hypnosis today. With the help of my proven techniques that can work for you, you can learn to live a social anxiety free lifestyle as you can manage your anxiety or panic attack with relative ease. You can once again take control of your social anxiety issues and banish them, once and for all!

TIPS on managing your social anxiety.

1 Seek out a therapist who will help you.
2 Grow your confidence in other aspects of your life.
3 Sit in a chair, imagine playing out your worst social fears, but know you are still at home in the chair.
4 Tell others of your problem as most people are very supportive and want to help.
5 Unfortunately you will have to face your fears in order to conquer them.
6 If you’re going to a party, see if you can be the first to arrive, Then you don’t have the BIG problem of facing everyone right away.
7 Fire yourself up with high energy music or a drum beat as this will energise you and so help override the negative feelings and take this high energy music with you.
8 Last but not least, now take ACTION and if the panic feelings start, just calm down back away for a moment and regather your thoughts and go for it again. As the saying goes ‘Slowly, …slowly, …catch-a-monkey’.

If you live in the Walsall or Birmingham or surrounding areas I can provide you with 1-2-1 professional Anxiety Hypnosis Therapy. I have helped people in the Birmingham area, young and old who suffer social anxiety and I can help you. If you’re looking for an effective treatment plan to help you overcome your problem by controlling your social anxiety then please feel free to book a complimentary consultation with me The Nexus Team.

Helping you towards success.