So I’m In a Trance?

We are all running some type of a trance no matter what it is because this is what we do. Driving your car is you being in a trance. Doing anything mundane is you in a trance, in an awaken state none the less. Although non-mundane things are also achieved, this can be seen with a musician that can play the guitar exquisitely and never looks where his fingers are placed. Why? because his unconscious can do the work for him i.e. in a trance.

A Trance Is a Trance.

Nexus Hypnotherapy helps these people out of a negative trance. Negative trance can be one that becomes detrimental to you and/or others around you. Going to work can be a good thing but if your trance makes you become a workaholic, then you and your family suffer. A drinker that starts to consume too much is in a negative trance so is a smoker or someone overeating. This can also be parts of you that have a Fear, Low Self Esteem, Lack of Confidence and so on. At Nexus Hypnotherapy we help you become the person you want to be, i.e. to help you be Confident! Once Philp helps you to realise your negative trance, you will come out of this and go into a trance that is helpful and beneficial to you, so you can shine with your Confidence.

How Many Sessions To Change?

At Nexus Hypnotherapy, The Nexus Team has his own particular style of working, more often than not change happens in just one visit. Sometimes people can find this hard to accept and so they will need one or two more and that can be it, job is done so to speak. Obviously, if there is deep trauma then more visits will be required until that person feels well enough emotionally to be able to cope on their own. But even in suicidal thoughts and sexual abuse, these have been dealt with in one session. But we are all different and so you are best not to put unrealistic results on your change, but rather go with how you feel at the end and work from there.

We Are In Walsall?

Nexus Hypnotherapy is based in Walsall, we offer you a free phone consultation to find out the best way in which to help you. We can find out your own expectations also what have you done previously to help you with your current problem. It is amazing how people can change from the fearful to the fearless. Your change can be so simple, you have always thought away from a totally different way of thinking. Once the problem has gone, then everything else seems to fit into place.

Contacting Nexus Hypnotherapy In Walsall.

We have a few ways in which you can contact The Nexus Team: Phone 01922302065 or email us  Use our contact page on the Nexus Hypnotherapy website or go onto our Book an Appointment page or find us on FaceBook under Anxiety Hypnosis. This is your first step to change.
Please read our reviews on the website, FaceBook, Google and on YouTube, all genuine from real people. they write these in the hope that they can help someone else overcome their problems as easily as they have done. Now it is over to you, and I look forward to helping you and remember we also help children whether they have been to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or not, we are here to help.

We Help You With…

Hypnotherapy, Psy-Tap, EMDR, NLP and/or Reiki can help you in many ways. Confidence Building, Abolishing Fears, Phobias of Dentist, Needles, Dogs Spiders, Flying and many more. Help with Depression, Suicide, Self Harm, Panic Attacks, Anxiety. Confidence for Bullied Children to name a few. We even help with relationships whether Gay, Straight, Siblings, Parent-Child.

Fear of the Dentist?

Dentist Phobia Birmingham & Walsall Anxiety hypnosis The Nexus Team Being phobic of the dentist is the number one phobia alongside public speaking. The technical name is also called dental phobia, odontophobia, dentophobia, dentist phobia, and dental anxiety. It has been calculated that around 60% of people are afraid of the dentist. This includes panic attacks to mild anxiety.

Symptom and Causes…

Fear of the dentist can cover a wide area, ranging from the thought of a visit to the dentist, the sounds of the drill and other dental noises, the clinical smell when you walk in, the sight of the staff walking around in their dental uniform. There are also the fears of people with fear of chocking or waking up from dental surgery and of course any previous bad experiences in the past. A visit may only happen in extreme emergencies because of pain etc, because your phobia is so bad…

What Can Help?

There are dentists who are phobic friendly and will support you throughout your visit, you can also request when visiting a dentist to have no procedure performed.
Aversion therapy can help, as you could visit the waiting room several time prior to your treatment. A helpful dentist might allow you to sit in the dental chair for a few minutes, this will help you get used to the surroundings as you familiarise yourself. More often than not, we just go in and walk out again, with this on our mind and other senses being overwhelmed, this can be too much for you to handle and this is one of the reasons we have a panic attack.

Other Self Help.

If you’re not generally an anxious person then you’re probably more likely to have a better rate of success with little outside help. If you’re a more nervous person, then you will require more intensive therapy to help. This can range from self help to visiting a therapist. You can start with calm breathing exercises, gentle meditation to help keep you calm, using visualisation and seeing yourself being relaxed from the waiting room and into the dentist chair.

What To Do Next.

A visit a therapist in your area can be a smart move as hypnosis can plant the seeds in your mind of being in control when you have to visit the dentist. The positive outcome can lower your stress and help make you feel relaxed. Sessions are different for each individual because of the reason you have developed this phobia and this can impact on the amount of sessions required, but really shouldn’t take more than 3 therapy sessions to get you to be able to visit the dentist comfortably.

The Nexus Team from Anxiety Hypnosis is here to help and offer practical advise by helping the people of Birmingham, Walsall and the Midlands to make a relaxing visit to their dentist.
So I hope this has given you tips and advice ranging from a good helpful dentist to helping yourself and paying a visit to a professional therapist who can give you a more in-depth personal one-to-one treatment.