Turn your thoughts around with The Nexus Team

Turn your thoughts around with The Nexus Team

Chronic Stress Ruins Your Life & Your Brain.

Chronic Stress Ruins Your Life & Your Brain As The People Of Walsall Will Experience.

Chronic stress is a more intense form of your everyday stress. We all know that stress is no good for us and yet we put up with it on a daily basis as we tend to feel that we have become immune to its relentless pressure. When we’re younger we feel we can cope better but as we get older we have to work harder to battle against its constant wear and tear on our bodies. An older body and mind takes longer and longer to repair.

Is Good Stress, Good For You?

We all get stressed throughout the day on a daily basis, whether at work or at home. Some stress can make us perform better as it can awaken our mind to be active and focus on the task at hand. But we tend not to relax after the stress which means we’re always on heightened alert. This means the constant increase in cortisol levels also the adrenalin is at a constant drip feed. This can damage your body and if you do have chronic stress this can over time weaken the brain with fewer neurons growing. So long term stress is not the ideal situation that you want to be in for too long.

What Can You Do To Combat Your Stress.

Creating the reverse effects of your stress is to let go of it after you have found yourself in a stressful situation. The more you practice this the easier it will become. You can use exercise to help you and this will help your body release the stress that you continue to hold onto. You can also meditate, as you learn this skill you will have instant access to switch off or in other words to quieten your mind. You can also have fun with your thoughts by thinking of relaxing times. But also do this before your stress is too out of control, by this I mean you need to nip it in the bud early and not wait until you are totally stressed out.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis In Walsall.

Helping clients to overcome their stress is fairly easy so long as you don’t constantly look for stress in your life or keep talking about stress or stressful problems. Everyone gets stressed and really no one wants to listen to your stress as they have enough of their own. I have found that people like to act stressed to make a point of how hard they worked to achieve something in their live. Because the more stressed we can appear the more worthy we are of getting some sort of recognition.

Anxiety Hypnosis Antidote.

Your antidote has to be your positive thinking, also you may need to visit a hypnotherapist for more powerful ways to access your mind and help bring about a resolution towards your cure. The other thing that you can do is to think like this. Because it’s not just stress or chronic stress, it is also worry, tension, bad situations, negative thinking, frustration, anger, negative belief systems as you will probably have your own.
But ultimately you are looking for relaxation, peace, respect, joy, kindness, and love in all that you do and are. As you are not made of stress you are much more than this and you now owe it to yourself to be the person that you where meant to be.

Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall With The Nexus Team Information Centre.

If you need further help with your anxiety or any problem then please contact us at Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Page.

You can also get my free instant download to Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety.

You can also look at what my past clients had to say with video testimonials of what people are saying in Walsall about anxiety hypnosis the people of Walsall.

You can read more at my blog site with lots of tools and tips: anxiety the cause of cancer.

Remember children get stressed to and recognising this is key to your child feeling happier about themselves. kids stress anger by anxiety hypnosis

Helping you towards success.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

A report out today states that 25 to 34 year old’s get more stressed over Christmas time than other age groups over the festive period.

So what to do about it?

#1 Tell yourself to stay calm.
#2 Take deep breathes.
#3 Whether you’re out or at home, STOP for a moment and take a drink of water.
#4 Eat protein as this helps your brain function better.
#5 Think! Is your stress really real or are you making yourself feel stressed?
#6 Just enjoy the moment of now, kids don’t get stressed and you are the product of a child.
#7 Start to feel the excitement of Christmas and the joy it can bring you.

Just Relax…

Christmas can be a stressful time of the year for anyone, but to realise that you can relax no matter where you are or what you are doing is a bonus.

My Free Stuff.

If you want to take 10 mins out of your day and relax by listening to me for FREE you can right here on my FREE STUFF PAGE.

If you think that you would benefit from me making you a personalised MP3 you can also order it here. From Anxiety Hypnosis Personal Hypnotic Trance. 

You may like to try a REIKI therapy session to help deepen your relaxation and this is available in Walsall or Pelsall which is in the Birmingham area. At Anxiety Hypnosis Jididen Reiki.

You can contact me to find out more at Anxiety Hypnosis -Contact me:

Use my tips to help you relax and stay calm.Solution_wheel_shutterstock_179663408

One more extra tip for free.

#8 Write down what how to plan your day out and stick to it!
The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis helping you towards success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham Focus on Stress.

When you focus your attention on either Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Worry, Depression etc, as many people do in the Birmingham area. As I explain my metaphor in my video called “The Pebble In My Shoe”,   you can begin to think differently about your so call BIG problem.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.

As individuals, we are all different and trying to sort your own Anxiety problems out isn’t always easy faced alone. However The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is here to offer you that help you deserve with your Fears, Stress, Worries and so forth.

About Anxiety Hypnosis Video

Anxiety Hypnosis offering you advice. This video is about how you focus on the negative emotions of life even though the problem isn’t as big as you think it is. Contact me at hellohello@anxietyhypnosis.co.uk

How to Find The Nexus Team, Plus Free Stuff.

I practice in Walsall and Pelsall in the Birmingham area. I offer you a 1-2-1 private session and I tailor the therapy to suit your particular needs.

Enjoy the video and if you have any questions then please contact me. You can also see what past clients have to say about me on: What People Are Saying. You can also download my Free Stuff here as a thank you for watching my video.

Helping you towards success.


Kids Stress & Anger

Kids and anger, kids and tantrums, and kids with stress!
It’s harder than ever for school kids today to get through life without stress. Certainly with any unsuccessful grades they get it is soon posted on social media.
So life for them is to constantly perform, nowadays they have more homework than ever as well as performance in the arts or with games etc..
Consequently kids will fake illness or will just avoid school altogether. They will demonstrate anger, eating disorders, depression, and suicide all because of the stress, which can include bullying.
I can offer your child an effective therapy to help get their confidence back, de-stress them and so get a more balanced child that is a pleasure to be with.

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team from Anxiety Hypnosis in Walsall/Birmingham & surrounding areas is her to get you relaxed by helping you to manage your stressful life in a more productive way…