Kid’s Fears & Anxiety.Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team

The Power Of Consciousness.

The power of consciousness or the idea that you can create conscious thoughts to change the world around you would seem impossible. However, we do have the power of consciousness that can influence matter.

Mouldy Rice.

I’ve conducted an experiment, I have cooked rice then transferred this into two clean jam jars. One has HATE and the other has LOVE written on it. After shouting at the hate jar once and then telling the loved one how special it was every day. After a few weeks the one with love on it stayed fresher. The one with Hate on it went mouldy. If this can happen to cooked rice, then what about how we can talk negatively to a child. What impact does this create in a child’s mind ?

Mind Your P’s & Q’s

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is well aware that the power of words can consciously influence people. Young children are not born with a filter that will stop negative thoughts entering their little minds. This is because they need to download information in their formative young years. So if a child breaks something by accident, negative parents will scold that child and say how stupid, idiot, useless or naughty they are etc…

Bad Behaved Child.

What a surprise that you end up with a child who can have tantrums, be naughty or be unruly. Later these kids either grow up to develop anorexia, behavioural problems at school, Introvert, and may even be a bully or an abuser in later life.

Anxiety Hypnosis Answer.

Children have to be shown and taught by example because you will effect their consciousness because of how you speak to your child. You have the power right now to change that today with positive words and statements. Never treat your child to junk food as a treat and don’t pay them for doing jobs around the house. But treat them to a good quality meal as a celebration of what they mean to you and the family as a whole. If you want to pay them for a job, give them money for reading books and achieving goals. Imagine the mindset of a child brought up like this.

Help Information Centre.


Therapy is fun, so we also do Hypnotherapy – Reiki – Access Bar – Indian Head Massage – Natural & Healthy Herbal Pills – Natural Face Lift – Call us to see if how we can help you.


M: 01922302065

T: 01922 285 118

E: hello@anxietyhypnosis

Avaliable in the Walsall area or Skype / Zoom

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team.

The Nexus Team Anxiety hypnosis

Life is a Matter of Priorities.

Circumstances Will Dictate

We may set priorities in our life but circumstances will dictate otherwise. What do I mean? Say if you are driving your car to a very important meeting, ‘this is your main priority’ you have to get there as a lot depends on this. Then you get a puncture and now getting the tyre repaired is your number 1 priority.

For example you may have a fear of the dentist, this fear may keep you away from the dentist until you cannot stand the pain any longer. Now your priority changes, so all the time you avoided going to the dentist, you ended up there anyway, so what was the point!

Stop Supporting Your Fear.

Avoidance doesn’t stop the fear, it continually supports it. Deep in your mind you know this and so you create other priorities that will hopefully combat the fear to go away. This never happens on a long term basis.

What can you do?

  • Realise what your fear will do if you continue to support it – such as your teeth will rot and be painful.
  • Seek out help at the first opportunity to help you get rid of your fear. I have known people have a fear for 20 years or more. That is crazy!
  • You can only feel better, successful and triumphant when you get over a fear.
  • See your fear as a challenge to grow, rather than something to hold you back.

Think Of Being A Success.

Make time to have the right priority to help you change. Realise that successful people have the same problems that you have. So what’s the difference? Low priority will keep you locked into negativity with your problem. Successful people will tell you how they overcame their problem by making their problem a priority to be abolished.

If you are now thinking about changing your priorities whether it is to Losing Weight Quitting SmokingAxing Your AnxietyThe Little Yellow Pill. Then feel free to click on the links: The Nexus Team. 

Anxiety Hypnosis Offering You A Rapid Solution.

If you have specific issues that need a rapid solution – then maybe it’s time to set a new priority and book your appointment with me. Also realise the priority of value over cost.

Therapy Is Fun.

Therapy is fun, so we also do Hypnotherapy – Reiki – Access Bar – Indian Head Massage – Natural & Healthy Herbal Pills – Natural Face Lift – Call to see if will help you on

M: 01922302065

T: 01922 285 118

E: hello@anxietyhypnosis

Avaliable in the Walsall area or Skype / Zoom

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team

The Treatment TO Help Anxiety.

There are many methods on how to treat anxiety and each one will work, but not one single treatment will work for everyone.

Let’s face it, we are all different, it only seems to be the medical profession that has the ideology that one pill fits all patients. There are too many variables with people to know which one would suit your specific needs. But you can always give this on ago.


We are probably all familiar about breathing, knowing how important your breath is, also how it relaxes you. It is not surprising to know that when giving first aid, you always have to check that the airway is clear. This is why when medical responders are on a first response they always give oxygen as the first point of call.

Anxiety Tip.

Although this is a practical tip, it isn’t always possible to implement, however you can do this at least once a day. Hopefully this will go a long way to knowing that you have an extra tool to help you fight your anxiety.

It would seem that any tip to help combat anxiety should be long drawn out or complicated. But this one is really very easy and simple to do.

My tip is that when you lie down get a very heavy blanket to cover yourself. The body somehow responds to this treatment. This could be that you feel more grounded when you have something heavy on you. The alternative to this is to wear a heavy coat whenever possible when you are out and about, especially in the winter time.


People either like to wear tight or loose clothing, here again we are all different. But if you like to wear loose clothing and you suffer from anxiety, it would be an interesting experiment to see how your anxiety would fair if you wore tight clothes. This again would give you the feeling of been grounded by warding off the feeling of anxiousness. Think about the times your shoes have been hurting you because they were too tight. You could think of nothing else but to take off your shoes and feel some relief. You don’t have to have your clothes that tight, but just enough to feel them.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

By 2020 there are going to be more people than ever suffering from depression and anxiety, so we have to do something to combat the negativity of how they feel. If you are fed up with suffering from depression or anxiety and you would like some help, then you are not alone and I could possibly help you. It doesn’t matter if you have had therapy in the past, but this maybe your time to help get your anxious thoughts under control once and for all. I have been helping people since 2004 with chronic anxiety. So if you want to give it a try once more, I am willing to help you.

Play Tools.

As much as I can provide many different ways to help you with your anxiety with my tips, there is no real substitute for seeing a professional clinical therapist like myself. This is why when a client comes to visit me, I have many play tools that I can use to help deal with their specific anxiety related issue. The reason why you suffer anxiety is totally different to why anyone else would suffer their anxiety.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Information Centre.

The key to understanding is information and you can find more information on The Nexus Team’s previous Anxiety Hypnosis blogs.

Hypnotherapy can be a wonderful way to help ease your anxiety or related issues to why you are feeling the way you do right now. You can contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis contact me page.

Feel free to get Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to Axe Anxiety download that is packed with tips and tricks to reduce your anxiety.

Email address and contact numbers for your convenience.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Please see my other links to help with losing weight or to help you quit smoking with an instant download to my ebooks:

Get Slim‘ – ‘Quit The Smoke‘ or just visit The Nexus Team to access these sites.

We can also help with Access Facelift or Reiki treatment.

Helping You Towards success.

The Nexus Team.