Getting Angry.

Getting angry is an emotional feeling that we all experience at some point in our lives, let’s face it, even a baby will show angry in the early days of life. So I guess that anger is hard-wired into us from the beginning. That said, what is its purpose? Is it a form of self-healing? After getting angry, you release all the pent-up tension, this can make you feel cleansed in a weird way. Then you feel sorry or guilty if you have hurt someone and then if the anger is unresolved you have an argument in your head and that leads to frustration.

What Is The Cause Of Your Anger?

You may think that others have led you to the point of getting angry because it is a demonstration of how you are feeling inside, no big surprise there! But what if your anger is deep unresolved issues that you have never dealt with. As I said before a baby can get angry, it will go through different emotions, just as you would before you get really angry. This can be stress, hurt, frustration, anxiety etc and you begin to seeth, then you blow your top, so to speak.

Making Baby Quiet.

Have you noticed how quickly we are to calm down a baby, child or adult if they start to show signs of crying, upset, aggression and so on? How do we do this? By pacifying that child with a dummy, bottle, food, toys, hugs, rocking and so on? Later we use smoking, alcohol, drugs, more food or consumerism. There are practical reasons like feeding and changing a baby, but what if the separation of that child going into its own room was one of the causes…


We are separated at birth, then into our own bedroom, from our childhood toys, from home by going to school, we are forever being separated as we grow up. We are separated by people and loved ones that die. And yet we are taught not to lose anything as we must keep things safe, such as your gloves that get sewn into your coat etc… This is why we panic when we mislay things, such as car keys or mobile phones etc…

It makes sense that we should feel angry, but are we not just feeling hurt as we are not only being separated but feeling the lack of love. But when we are given love, it can be hard to accept it as it is laid on all the bad feelings that keep surfacing.

What Is The Answer?

I think the only real way is to minimise separation as separation comes when a child wants to leave home, rather than being made to leave. But all the time love can help and if a baby needs to cry and let out any hurt, let it happen. You know yourself that after a good cry you feel better, but if someone keeps stopping you from crying, then you never feel the relief.

8 Top Tips On Being Calm.

#1 Start to get control of your anger issues.
#2 Reach a point of patience, once you do this – it will be easier the next time.
#3 Don’t let other steal your patience.
#4 Practice calmness and you’ll find your natural flow in life.
#5 Seek help to resolve past anger issues.
#6 If you are angered easily, then you need to be healed.
#7 Stop creating a negative response & choice the calm option.
#8 Be smart with your thoughts & don’t be a victim of others pressing your buttons…

Help Is Here.

Anger is a known cause of problems of your liver and your immunity.

If you feel that you have anger issues that are ruining your life and you feel that help is needed, then feel free to contact me. Imagine feeling the relief for once and not the anger.

The Nexus Team has been a full-time Hypnotherapist in Walsall since 2004 as well as using Psy-Tap, Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR), Transactional Analysis TA & MPNLP Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Also a Child Therapist & Advance Clinical Hypnotherapist.

How Fearful Are You?

People have constant fears that run in the background of their minds. Fears have to be there in order to help and not to be seen as a negative. Fears can protect or make us take avoidance actions. Fear creates longevity by stopping us doing dangerous things. This protocol seems to get either switched off or at least turned down when under the influence of alcohol. This is why people will do stupid, crazy and foolish things that result in getting themselves killed in the process. A Phobia is a more heightened state of Fear.

Running Your Fears.

People are fearful of many things, as one can be fearful of heights another is not, as this applies to everyone at some stage in their life. Some controlled fears are good, such as a rollercoaster ride as it is fun but scary at the same time which leads to excitement and exhilaration. But fears can also run deeper, as you can fear not having enough money or job security, will your kids grow up ok and get the right qualifications for that job they want, fear of being late or missing something. fear of not being good enough or doing something right. This list of fears can be multifold and this type of fearful thinking is not good.

Head And Heart.

People who have fears are those who live in their heads too much, we all know someone like this, such as an over worrying mother for example. They look mithered, if not a little unstable in this type of fearful thinking and you can act the same because you have been brought up in that sort of environment. People who have very few fears, tend to be those who live in their hearts and care little about what their minds think. They have greater control over their thoughts. Their hearts are in a state of comfort and so there is little to fear. Because fear is an illusion that the mind tricks you. Do you remember being scared of something maybe as a child and now you’re not scared. So where did the fear go? …It was a trick of thinking,

Child vs Adult.

Naivety as a child can be great because you know that you will live forever and are unbreakable. This leads to doing crazy and daring acts or stunts which make you feel alive as the powerful adrenaline rushes through your body which is the best feeling ever! But later in life as you grow up, wisdom now kicks in as you know that you will not live forever and you are breakable and not indestructible. That tree you climbed as a child is now the one that shows you danger because you could break your leg, which means you aren’t going to earn money and this is not good, but why? This is because of wisdom, the child tends to lack wisdom compared to the adult, but wisdom can steal your confidence and this can create fears. It’s a neverending cycle of related emotions that torment you.

What Can Hypnotherapy Do For Your Fears?

As you know children can be fearful, at Nexus Hypnotherapy we help younger people to conquer their fears with therapeutic techniques that help them to become fearless or help them to reduce their fears. Some very young children can be scared of going to sleep etc… Of course, adults can also run their fear, as if driving a car with the rev-counter in the red zone, this is not healthy. So we at Nexus Hypnotherapy get you to turn down this emotion as your internal rev-counter drops down and is working in the safety zone, so to speak.

Help Is Here.

If you feel that your fears are out of control and you need to get your life back on track, then contact me to see how we can help you get over your fears of heights, spiders, dentist, white coat syndrome, dogs, flying and many more. Whether living in Walsall, West Midlands or London, don’t let your fear stop you from contacting us, we look forward to helping you. “A life lived in fear is a life half lived” quote from Strictly Ballroom.

Link to more great tips to help with your issues of fear with The Nexus Team Nexus Hypnotherapy Blogs.