Stress is killing You!

Stress in the work place is one of the major factors which result in people take many sick days from work.
Chronic stress can be the cause of heart failure and even some forms of cancer. At it’s mildness you get a bad nights sleep or backache to name a few.
Does your stress load at work make you feel like you’re drowning in illness after illness?
Then you are probably a prime candidate to have my treatment to get you free from your stress.
Call me today to see how I can help you with my techniques to help you be stress free.
I look forward to seeing you shortly.
Helping you towards success.

Available from The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis in Walsall/Birmingham & surrounding areas.



This is about stopping you from Wobbling.

That means stop Judging events, places and people.

Watch the video and I will explain.

I’ll be posting a new video tomorrow, so catch up with you then!

Helping you towards success.



2/5 Videos.

Wrong Food Can Cause Anxiety/Stress.

This video is about what can cause the symptoms of stress/anxiety that can feel like brain fog.

If you don’t consume the right nutrients for your brain, then you will not process information properly and so feel stressed.

This is a simple and most effective way to deal with this problem.

I hope you like the video, but if you would prefer a 1-2-1 private free complimentary consultation to deal with your particular problem that you are suffering.

Then please contact me at

Helping you towards success.


#3/5 Videos


Fear can easily disappear, all you have to do is get creatively confident by conquering your fear.

Watch the video, I’ll explain.

If you need an effective remedy for your fear of Dogs, Spiders, or Exams etc, contact me for a free complimentary consultation to see how I can help you by conquering your particular fear.

I will show you how you can live a life of being fearless.

My #1 tip is get to understand what it is that you are fearful of, because the more you understand what it is then the fear can go away by itself.

But if you are struggling with your worst fear and don’t know where to start, then call me today.

What I will do for you?
I will assess your fear and with my techniques by getting you to an even better understanding to help you to overcome this.
I will also personally adapt a hypnotic trace for you to deal with your fear and get you to conquer the fear.
I will offer you ongoing support if you should require further help, so you can be assured that you won’t be left on your own.

Helping you towards success.



Stress can build up each time you endure it and this makes you get used to the stress. Until one day you have a breakdown.

Stress is the number one reason people are off work or they have related stress problems.

Here are some key things that you can do to help improve your overall stressful life.

#1 As in the video, remove yourself away from a stressful situation, until your head feels clear and can tattle the problem once more.

#2 Notice that everybody’s threshold of stress is different. If you have a low tolerant towards stress then notice this and keep yourself in check, that means you are in control of your stress level.

#3 If you feel your stress creeping up into the red zone, like the rev counter on a car, then you know it’s time to either breathe deeper or remove yourself from the problem if possible.

If your stress is at its peek, then I would advise you to seek out a therapist who deals with stress, as I do. I can help with hypnosis and NLP to get you not to over react to stressful problems again.
I can also offer you on going support, until you feel confident enough. I will also help with confidence to get you back in control.

#5 of 5 Videos

Worry, Stress, Anxiety, and Fear can lead to PHOBIC HYSTERIA! 

Being phobic can be quite dangerous because of the panic and/or being hysterical can make you behave adversely.

What do I mean? You are driving along and a wasp enters the car, you are then in a heightened panic, an hysterical act because of your phobia. Then the next second you’re swerving all over the road. (not good)

There is really only one solution to your phobia and that is to come and see me or a therapist who deals in phobias.

Watch and enjoy my video, then if you are phobic, I can offer you the solution to your problem.

I will help take away your phobic problem and that means you will be out of danger.

I use a great method of getting you to have a new perception of your phobic world.

I will get you back to being confident and phobic free.

How’s that sound?

Contact me

Helping you towards success.

If you require any help with anything that you have see in the videos, then I will help you to get over your problems. This is in the Birmingham & Walsall areas With me The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Join me for a free complimentary consultation to find out more…



Depression is so rife in young men that they are killing themselves as this epidemic continues to spread.
The following are all symptoms of depression, and if you tick off five or more of any of them you are probably depressed.

My feelings

I am low-spirited for much of the time, every dayAnxiety, Depression, The Nexus Team Birmingham & Walsall
I feel restless and agitated
I get tearful easily
I feel numb, empty and full of despair
I feel isolated and unable to relate to other people
I am unusually irritable or impatient
I find no pleasure in life or things I usually enjoy
I feel helpless
I have lost interest in sex
I am experiencing a sense of unreality

My behaviour

I’m not doing activities I usually enjoy
I am avoiding social events I usually enjoy
I have cut myself off from others and can’t ask for help
I am self-harming
I find it difficult to speak

My thoughts

I am having difficulty remembering things
I find it hard to concentrate or make decisions
I blame myself a lot and feel guilty about things
I have no self-confidence or self-esteem
I am having a lot of negative thoughts
The future seems bleak
What’s the point?
I have been thinking about suicide

My physical symptoms

I have difficulty sleeping
I am sleeping much more than usual
I feel tired and have no energy
I have lost my appetite, and am losing weight
I am eating a lot more than usual and putting on weight
I have physical aches and pains with no obvious physical cause
I am moving very slowly
I am using more tobacco, alcohol or other drugs than usual

Depression presents itself in many different ways. You may not realise what’s going on, because sometimes your problems seem to be physical, rather than mental or emotional. There are also some other mental health problems often linked to depression.


People who are depressed often have anxiety as well – the two problems often occur together, and each can make the other worse. If you are feeling anxious, your mind may be full of busy, repetitive thoughts, which make it hard to concentrate, relax, or sleep. You may have physical symptoms, such as headaches, aching muscles, sweating and dizziness.

Source from


As depression is not discriminant, then anyone can be a long term suffer. However young men ought to be living a life that is precious and not having thoughts of killing themselves.
One of the big problems is that this can also be about pride, also attitude towards depression, this could be about denial.

When young men are in the state of being fit and healthy as well as wanting to be an alpha male, but are now faced with this internal bad feeling of depression, it can send the mind into a turmoil of utter confusion and this makes them hide the problem even more so. Men are also well known for not talking about their problems and so to talk to anyone can feel like a weakness.

Anxiety Hypnosis.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis has helped many people with depression this also includes young men who have suffered for years.
It is important for young men with depression and anxiety to contact a therapist who deals with their problems. To have a free consultation to express their feelings and to feel comfortable with the therapist and find out if they will feel any better with hypnotherapy. Also this is a private and confidential service, so whether this is in Birmingham or Walsall or you chose a therapist who is local to you to get the help you require. After all, suicide is a long term solution for a short term problem.


So guys this is your real test in how to man-up and grow some balls and do something about your problem. This will not just effect you, but will go through the whole of the family. Close family members will feel what you are going through and it will be as bad for them as for you. Suicide is not an option because of the devastation to the family and friends who are left behind as this could include your own young child.
So think on guys and get some help today because this won’t get better and just go away on its own.


Start to talk to someone who you feel you can trust, this will give you confidence to seek professional help, whether this is your doctor, counsellor, Hypnotherapist, mom, dad, or even your mate down the pub.

Contact me today at Anxiety Hypnosis you get your free complimentary consultation.

Helping you towards success.

Is Your Stress Making You a Diabetic?


Into the Danger Zone

There are no symptoms for having high blood pressure, if you have high blood pressure you are likely to get type 2 diabetes.

Out of 4 million people tested, 60% had a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes, again no symptoms.

Things that might be happening to you, that you could have a blood sugar problem:

1. Visiting the toilet more often.High Blood Pressure Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham Walsall The Nexus Team
2. Feeling more thirsty.
3. Being more tired than usual.
4. Blurred vision.
5. Losing weight without dieting.
6. Genital itching or thrush.
7. Wounds are taking longer to heal.

The only way of knowing whether you have high blood pressure in the have it checked.

THINK of what builds your blood pressure up to begin with?

Constant high levels of stress, this is usually the case from a working environment where sales people have to hit targets week in and week out.

Because our bodies get used to the pressure of the stress we put up with it and it habituates. We really don’t notice it until we get even more stressed and only then will you feel ready to blow your top.

Of course all of this leads to getting more anxious and worrying as your health begins to deteriorate.
Your health is getting worse, leading to more sick days of work. The thought of loosing your job stresses you out and this leads to you being more anxious.

Valuing yourself.

If you really value yourself, before it’s too late you now have to really change your life style, before you end up going to anger management courses or receiving stress management counselling or are on long term medication for diabetes.

At the end of the day your health matters and no one else is going to look after you and know how you’re feeling until you put the changes into your life today.

Anxiety Hypnosis Could Help You.

I am here at Anxiety Hypnosis to help you with anxiety, stress, anger, and also to help you know how to manage this, so anxiousness will no longer be a problem.

If you want an effective way to manage your anxiety and stress levels and you feel that you would benefit from hypnosis, then you are the perfect candidate to join me and start to live a life you truly deserve.

My #1 TOP TIP.

would be to engage more in the relaxing aspects of your life and you will know what these are and what suits you, then start to retreat away from the stress. This can be done with taking quality breaks. i.e. you don’t do any work when on your break, also create a structure of work load that you can call time-out by not having to do your work at home all the time.

Kids have always had the right attitude when given homework to do from school, that they don’t want to do it! And at the end of the day neither should you, particular if it is leading you to:

1. Stress.
2. Blood pressure.
3. Type 2 diabetes.
4. Anxiety.
5. Anger issues.
6. Relationship problems.
7. Panic attacks.
8. Long term sickness.

Remember you didn’t sign up for this!

Another quick tip.

When you take a deep breath and then you breathe out, do a long sigh as this helps you get rid of more tension and stress. Do this action several times and you’ll soon start to feel the benefits.

If you would like a free complimentary consultation where I can work with you on a 1-2-1 basis please contact me. Many people suffer from what I have spoken about here and not just in the Birmingham and Walsall areas. This is a modern symptom from a modern world and our bodies cannot cope.

As I treat clients with high Stress and Anxiety levels, they soon start to realise how they can take control of their life and learn how to be calm in a high tension area, whether at work or in the home life.

I look forward to knowing how I can help you…

Helping you towards success.



Are you addicted to over the counter pain killers?


Am I Addicted to Pain Killers?

addiction_is_addiction_The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis in Birmingham & WalsallThe addiction may start as an innocent part of you wanting to get better following a bout of pain, such as surgery, giving birth or having an accident. This may start as prescription drugs but then you get used to the so called good (euphoric) feeling that you get, also known as a (buzz) feeling.

We are by nature an addictive being, as everything we do is repetition. As people know this, repetition will by its act bring on an addiction. This is true if the feelings we get satisfy us, such as the drugs, particularly if they are helping to control your pain.

You might recognise other addiction type behaviours in you or people around you. Theses could be an addiction to Facebook, Gaming Consoles, Constant Texting, Drinking, Sweet or Savoury Foods, Gambling, Smoking, Drugs, Workaholic, and many more…

The Painkillers and You…

Over the counter addiction pain killers can include: Co-Codamol, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nurofen, and of course any drug with an Opiate content.

Once you have the relief from taking the painkillers and they have succeeded in controlling your pain, you still insist in taking them and then you begin to recognise that you have a problem. But you still insist that you don’t. This will lead to a multitude of covert behaviours.

These behaviours can take the form of taking the drugs when you know you don’t require them. You take more than the prescribed dose, by taking a higher dose of pills each time or more pills overall. Recognising that you now lie about your painkillers and you hide that fact. You go to different pharmacy’s, or when different staff are on duty, or you get others to go on your behalf or you start to steal them.

What can I do about this?

If you are at this point, then you know that you need intervention, to have drug rehabilitation for this.

You have to open up the lines of communication to immediate family, so long as you feel that the family are strong enough to help and support you.

You then need to contact your doctor or contact a drug addiction support centre.

Once you have started to readjust your outlook on how to conquer this, because your not a bad person and this isn’t something you planned. This problem started possibly as a bi product to you just wanting to stop the pain that you had.

The best way is to search on line and get the low-down on help offered near you.

What Next.

Once you have recognised that you want help then seek help via the internet, or your GP. If this is to do with pain, then one of the best ways to control your pain in to have hypnotherapy for pain control. Hypnotherapy in this area is quiet effective and of course you are going to be drug free.

Not everyone will be aware that hypnosis can offer such benefits to be pain free, via using the techniques, you can learn that hypnosis can help you manage and reduce your pain.

You may also wish to visit a hypnotherapist who deals with drug addiction as this too can be beneficial to you by helping you to be drug free from painkillers.

You can use alternative treatment to help you while coming off your drugs as this will depend on how many and how addicted you are and if you have an addictive personality.

Anxiety Hypnosis.

Anxiety Hypnosis is here to help, don’t leave it to late because you can receive pain management via hypnosis to help reduce the pain you have being going through. So long as there isn’t any medical reason as to why you shouldn’t be able to be free of your pain.

The help of relaxing the muscles around the pain area is where hypnotherapy works best. But therapy can be used in many ways to help reduce the discomfort.

When seeking treatment, make sure the therapist will access you for the likelihood that they can help with your particular pain management problem.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis is here to help with pain problems that you may be having whether this is from a bad back or stiff neck etc… Contact me to find out if I can help, I am available in the Walsall and Birmingham areas. I will also offer referrals if this would be of help to you?

To Sum Up.

Recognise that you have a problem and family members can keep an eye out and check bins for empty packs etc…

Get yourself to the doctors and ask what the long care health plan is for you. Also gather information on the damages and side effects of what drugs you are taking and acknowledge how your present actions are effecting the family and relationships, especially of your partner…

Open up communications and confide in someone who you feel you can trust that can offer advice. This could be a best friend, your nan/granddad or anyone else you may feel that would just give you that reassurity to get you well on your way and off the painkillers .

Notice with the benefit of Painkillers that overdosing on them can have the adverse effect and make you very sick and possible death. it’s not to late to make a change today.

                    …So good luck and you’ll do it!

“Remember the bigger the problem the bigger the pill – the bigger the doctor the bigger the bill”

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis offers a range of therapies that can suit you as not everyone wants to be hypnotised..

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You Towards Success.     Click here to go to my home page


Are you struggling with your eldest child leaving for university…

What is Empty Nest Syndrome?

Bags packed for university , Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team can help Empty Nest Syndrome is a time when a child leaves the home to move away to university. This can be a heart wrenching time for both parents but especially for the mother. The shock of you being around your child for 18 years and now they have moved out can leave you feeling empty inside.

Although no one has died the same symptoms of grief and heartache are very much felt particularly within a loving family.

This is in every way a new chapter in life, how everyone has to adjust to the new challenges that life has brought you.

The Feeling of Grief.

There is a bag of mixed feelings surrounding the whole situation of what is happening. On one part you have to be happy that they are doing well and thriving, as well as being educated in their chosen field of knowledge. Of course with this double edged sword, you have the negative emotion that just seems to overwhelm the positives especially to begin with.

The feeling of loss and the emptiness in the house at certain times and the things you shared has this could be a time when you no longer have your child’s friends coming around either.

What Can You Do About It…

If you have experienced grief before, then you will recognise the similarity in the emotional feelings. It’s not good to hold onto the negative feelings, as indeed men (fathers) may do. Feeling like an emotional wreck right now, may feel like you’ll never get rid of this.

I think that you should give yourself permission to cry, and parents should be encouraged to express this together if their relationship can do this. This isn’t about a weakness but recognising that you are both feeling the same and this can be your strength. Although one part of the relationship may feel stronger and keep a sense of reality and calmness within the house hold.

Never feel bad about how you feel even though you think that it’s silly as this emotion needs to come out of you so that the healing can take place. It’s okay to avoid the negativity for a while as you don’t want to burst into tears while in the shops.

Your Time To Change.

You have the opportunity to rediscover yourself, but this may be hard as you have probably been at the beck and call for the family for many years. It is important that you have new challenges in your life, this will have to be your calling so to speak as everyone is different and you have to do what feels right.

You don’t have to have a a knee jerk reaction to doing whatever comes along. This could be joining a group with like minded interests. You can even start one of your own. There is an App called ‘meet-up’ as this can also be a way of you getting over your fears of either going out or being allowed to learn how to be you once more.

Anxious Times Ahead!

This can be an understatement of how you feel right now. Once you get over the initial shock and time moves on you will soon realise how time distortion kicks in and before you know it, they are on their way back home and you will be wondering why you felt the way you did.

In the meantime however, as all the new students at Birmingham University and of course the many universities around the country, students are all equally leaving grief stricken parents everywhere. Your kids are possibly feeling the same way, but they have new surrounding and new interests and certainly their new found freedom. So these kids are distracted to say the least, while you are at home crying your eyes out.

This is all natural, but this still leaves you feeling anxious because of wondering if they are okay and not getting into trouble etc…

Anxiety Hypnosis.

As I have mentioned that anxiety, fear, stress and grief play a major part in the overall well-being of you, that said if you don’t deal with this, then you too will suffer. It is documented that mothers particularly can get breast cancer and even brain legends** or scaring on the brain because of the child leaving home for the first time. Of course kids can leave home many times, if they are in a career that calls them away for months at-a-time.

You may feel like you only want to talk about how you feel and that’s okay, also you may want to try hypnosis to get a better understanding of yourself. This could be to help you find confidence to go out and face the world as a new you.

The Nexus Team can also offer EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) ,this is a great way to help get your brain and especially your mind to cope better with the present situation. This also helps people with that grief feeling.
Anxiety Hypnosis also helps you by allowing the mind to readjust to the new immediate difficulties and help get you away from feeling like an emotional wreck. But you don’t have to feel at your worst to see me as you can have a free complimentary consultation to be accessed to see whether you would benefit from my help.

Help is Here.

If you need or require some help with either talk therapy or hypnotherapy to help you with how you are feeling right now and you live in and around the Birmingham area of Walsall etc. then contact The Nexus Team.

Give me a call to find out more, also I will help you every step of the way to help you with your recovery by helping you feel calm and confident. Helping to get you back in control, or contact me to help you with your particular situation and I will answer any questions you have.
Until then you can download my free 7 tips on how to Axe-Anxiety. Click HERE. Also get talking to family and friends to help put yourself at ease and soon everything will start to ease.

To Sum up.

Congratulate yourself for getting your child to be able to get into university and this is what you have all been working towards. Also that they are probably having a good time and this is a time when we all have mobiles and can easily stay in touch also with social media. Feel sad and cry if you need to, but don’t stay there and move forward. This was bound to happen but notice that it will become less traumatic each day and the rawness will fade. Above all don’t be to hard on yourself as you might have other children who need you attention more then ever now.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis offers a range of therapies that can suit you as not everyone wants to be hypnotised..

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You Towards Success.


The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis conquering  job and career nerves Birmingham Walsall

Every single individual on earth experiences an “attack of the nerves” at some point in their life. Maybe you’re asking someone out on a date, have an important sports game coming up or you may even have a dreaded job interview on the horizon. At a job interview, a sudden attack of nerves or anxiety could potentially lose you the job. However, with simple treatments from me and the Anxiety Hypnosis specialist with The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy in Birmingham and Walsall, you can take control of your anxiety and banish your interview nerves for good.

How can I control my nerves and anxiety during a job interview?

There are also a few practices that you can follow to help control your pre-interview nerves and ensure that your interview goes as smoothly and successfully as possible: STOP your Stressing right now!

Forward Planning…

This seems like a simple thing to do right? Well, too often than not, job applicants enter the interview with little or no preparation and simply rely on their resume or personality to get them through the interview. This is fine if you are an individual who is full of confidence, but if you are susceptible to bouts of nervousness or anxiety attacks, a lack of preparation could be crucial. Make sure that you have gone through the interview in your head, over and over again for a few days before the interview. Practice the most common interview questions with a friend or family member and polish your answers. You can even practice in your interview clothing to make it seem even more realistic. Do thins with more than one person and even set up 3 or 4 people playing devils advocate. If you know of someone who does interviewing in their job, you may like them to test you out! Practice makes perfect, so to speak…

Pre-interview relaxation…

In the hours leading up to your interview, try to put yourself in a relaxed mood by doing something that makes you feel comfortable and at ease. This could be inviting a friend over for some green tea and chat, having a soothing massage or even listening to your favorite music in the comfort of your own home. Laughter is also a great relaxant, so stick on a funny movie or comedy show to help disperse your nervous thoughts.

Be open and honest…

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to try to cover up your nervousness or anxiety to your potential employer. This can cause you to lose focus in your interview and concentrate more on hiding your emotions than connecting to the interviewer. Remember, it is perfectly normal to be nervous at a job interview and your potential employer will usually understand that this as part of the interview process. At the beginning of the interview you can say “I apologize, I am feeling a little nervous today” or “It has been a while since I was last in this position, I am a little nervous”. This will put both you and the interviewer at ease from the outset and calm your nerves significantly. An expert interviewer will see past you bluffing confidence.

What can I do next?

If you feel that your nervousness or anxiety could affect your potential job interviews then contact me at The Nexus Team Anxiety hypnosis today. With help from me, you can take control of your pre-interview nervousness and anxiety, ace that interview and land the job of your dreams!

Most of the time with interviews they look to see if they like you and could work with you and how well you would carry out orders and instructions also how well you know the vacancy you have applied for.

However at the end of the day you must realise that you feel you want a Anxiety professional to help you and get you confident, in control and be anxious free. The Nexus Team may just be the person to seek if you require a more in-depth assistance and better result.

So remember there are people to help if you suffer from being anxious, stress or a full blown panic attack. People not only in Birmingham and Walsall go though this but it is in nearly in everyone who judges themselves as suffering of lack of confidence or low self-esteem.

Interview qualifications a job candidate must possess on a checklist clipboard including experience, communication, education and other skills necessary for a new position in your career

If you’re ready and really want to change then feel free to contact me and receive my free complimentary consultation.
You can always download for free his 7 ways to Axe-Anxiety.

Good luck with your future employer.

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team from Anxiety Hypnosis.



What is a panic attack? 

Panic attack in lift. Anxiety Hypnosis in Birmingham, Walsall The Nexus Team  A panic attack can be best described as a sudden and intense feeling of overwhelming fear and/or anxiety. This can result in dizziness, shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate. Panic attacks can often lead to the affected individual suffering panic disorders and even withdrawing from their normal daily routines in fear that they may re-occur. With the help and treatment from me The Nexus Team and the highly skilled Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of these attacks once and for all.

How can I manage my panic attacks?

In addition to our treatment program, there are a few simple guidelines listed below that can significantly reduce and even eliminate these panic attacks from occurring again in the future:

1. Don’t Panic – If there is only once piece of advice that you take from this post, then this would be it. Try to think of your attack like a wave. A wave is only temporary and soon enough, it will pass. The sooner that you can let the wave pass over you, the faster the anxiety will subside.

2. Keep Talking – If you are having an attack and there are people around you, try to talk to them as much as possible. Say whatever is on your mind, no matter how irrational the thoughts may be, this helps to release tension and expels the thoughts from your mind. If you are on your own, this method still helps even if you are talking to yourself or even to the television.

3. Keep Moving – By keeping your body active during an attack, you can disperse the energy and adrenaline that the attack has brought on. If you can, try to go outside for a walk along the street or in the garden. Even pacing back and forth inside the house can keep your body active and your mind empowered.

4. Don’t Forget to Breathe – During the onset of an attack, you may struggle to breathe as easily or deeply as you normally would. This is normal for an attack of this kind but concentrating on your breathing can really help. Focus on your inhale and exhales fully and try to exhale as slowly as possible. This method will help regulate your breathing and bring your heart rate down.

5. Stay Positive – Stay strong, and feel proud of yourself when you have overcome an attack. Once the attack is over, give yourself a pat on the back and realize that you have come through it and you are determined to eliminate these attacks once and for all and realise that you have always been alright and have gotten through it, haven’t you?
What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from panic attacks or periods of anxiety and it is affecting your daily life of hindering your freedom, contact me at The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of your panic attacks and live the life you want to lead.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis works in Birmingham UK and the surrounding areas such as Walsall. You can get tips via our FaceBook page, just search for Anxiety Hypnosis Page and give us a like and you will receive daily information with tips and inspirational thoughts.

You can in the meantime download the Axe-Anxiety 7 tips that will help you overcome the negative effect of worry, stress, fear, and being anxious. Remember to get your free complimentary consultation.

However if you feel that you would benefit from a 1 to 1 private session, then all you have to do is contact The Nexus Team or email The Nexus Team is an Advanced Hypotherapist.

Good luck and watch out for future blogs and posts.

Helping you towards success.

Are the Minds of Birmingham Set In Stone?

Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Birmingham Walsall Most people who want to change because of bad experiences will always put up a block and think they can’t change. But this is just a mental illusion and you can if you really want it!

Think of it like this, you made the decision and so you believe it must be true and this is why you think you cannot move on.

The other reason is if an authoritarian figure told you that you couldn’t do things and you believed them.

No it’s not a Rhubarb Crumble.

I want to help you see the BIG picture by looking at nature and noticing that everything in life breaks down, crumbles, changes or alters its shape. Have you ever noticed how a tree will grow around a fence that it is up against, or barbed wire running through the centre of the tree.

It looks like nothing is moving, if you could capture on film the slow movement of a tree growing over 50 years and then watch that movie it would last 30 seconds. You would see how the tree grew around the fence. Even though we all know wood is hard.

Another example would be how as you get older you can be more tolerant, such as grandparents being tolerant of their grandchildren and they may not have been the same with their own children.

Stop the Dancing…

So here is my tip on being relaxed about stress and anxiety and all the other problems people have to realise that in the end you will probably be relaxed after the event. So why do a big song and dance by getting yourself all worked up for nothing. All you have to do is keep calm. …How you might ask?

Well like anything in life, it’s not always easy to begin with and you will have to practice and once your mind knows that you’re in charge, it will stop having anger, stress, anxiety and fears as your main default setting. You will be really proud of the fact that you kept your cool, patience, and stayed calm throughout.

So when you feel that anger etc building up inside you, you have to learn to be patient. Soon you will know that you are more tolerant and know that life isn’t worth the hassle of getting all worked up, because at the end of the day we never get out of this life alive.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helps you Grow-Up!

So in other words stay calm, grow-up, face your challenges, don’t be afraid and success will be yours to enjoy and being hot-headed never really got you anywhere, did it?

I know that in the West Midlands, Birmingham and Walsall and the rest of the country people are fighting internal battles and it doesn’t have to be like that. The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is here to answer any questions you have concerning anxiety and what I call all its ugly cousins such as fear etc.

Remember if you don’t want to have those thoughts set in stone any longer, you can contact me for a free complimentary consultation. Good luck from The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Anxiety Hypnosis Free Stuff.

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Anxiety hypnosis moaning medal

A German giving out medals? 

A German man once told me how the British public could get a medal for moaning, He was a manager in the UK, although he had worked around the world, but he said how bad the moaning was in this country. I must admit the way he was telling me in his very good but German twang of English was a bit like a sketch from Faulty Towers. But I had to agree that ‘Yes’ we could beat anyone at moaning

It is amazing how we can moan and moan about nothing. If you think about this and be truthful that we do moan as a British nation all the time, from the weather to everything else, as well as everything in between…

I presume this is why we have so many negative thoughts, fears and anxiety running through our brains all the time. Let’s face it,’ you become what you think’, it’s certainly not just the saying ‘you become what you eat.’ So it would make perfect sense to be highly strung, tense, with a dose of anxiousness thrown into the mix that people are ready to jump down the throats of other people if they should say anything disagreeing with a moaner.

Have you ever asked someone how they are, because you’re being polite and then they tell you how they got on at the doctors and bloody hell do they moan about what is the matter with them? I’m sure that these people have a PhD in whining.

The Vampire.

Notice how when these people walk away from you that you feel drained as they have sucked all your good energy out of you and now you’re left in a state and they walk away feeling better. These people are vampires of sucking good energy from people.

Certainly in the Birmingham area, many brummies have the wow factor in a good old moan. If you’re not careful the positive energy can be easily drawn out of you. This can be particularly bad if you’re not feeling very well to begin with. You may be one of those people where others always bring you their problems and dump them on you. Now how do you feel when they’ve gone??

Who Cares?

I know we can all get stressed and we’re all busy and we all have things to do and no time in which to do them in. But let’s face facts that the person you’re telling your problem to doesn’t really care. In fact as a nation, 70% don’t care and the rest are glad it’s happening to you and not them.
If you are one of life’s vampires then you are not helping yourself as you are poisoning your system. Imagine that it’s like you have been hypnotized to act really negative, in other words it seems you have made a very deep ruin of your life.

Having the same way of thinking and wanting a different outcome won’t happen, you have to change and I am here to help you if you wish.

But firstly it would be good to have a word with yourself to say enough’s, enough’s and you are going to change for the better. You will have to be brave and create new disciplines via order and structure to get the most out of you and your thinking.

Anxiety Hypnosis Can Help you!

You probably can feel tension in your body and maybe more in your shoulders and back. Then you need to take some time out and start to relax more. Usually the first time you do this, the pain of relaxing gets worse and this is a natural effect. But just go through that little pain barrier and you’ll come to the feeling of being relaxed. Give this ago. This way you will start to let go of anxiety and tension. Imaging all the people of Birmingham relaxing, then this would spread around the UK. …Ahhh what a great feeling that would be for everyone.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis is here to find out how you have conquered your anxiety and tension or any other related problem and lets spread the knowledge to others.The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham and Walsall